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Type: Article
Title: Cargo Transportation using Modern Technologies at UAB "Kamida" PDF Article
Author: Julija Želvytė
Author: Regina Narkienė
On-line: 15-December-2024
Metrics: Applied Business: Issues & Solutions 2(2024)17-222 - ISSN 2783-6967.
DOI: 10.57005/ab.2024.2.3
URL: http://www.applied-business-solutions.eu/h24/2024_2_3.html
Abstract. This article presents the role of integrated technology systems in optimizing cargo transportation processes, focusing mainly on UAB "Kamida". Logistics, especially cargo transportation, is a complex operation involving various activities, during which the efficiency of transportation methods has a significant impact on costs and the quality of customer service. Modern technologies, such as cargo tracking systems, vehicle tracking systems, and order management systems, make it possible to simplify the transportation process and reduce costs. The obtained results showed that UAB "Kamida" uses several technological systems, including Fleet Master, Transport, DVS, Infotrans cargo management systems. However, the lack of integration of these systems creates difficulties in planning routes and drivers' schedules, resulting in increased transportation costs. By systematically organizing information flows and integrating technology systems, UAB Kamida could potentially avoid additional costs related to inefficient route planning and suboptimal utilization of driver's work and rest time. Thus, by investing and effectively applying integrated technological solutions, companies can be given a competitive advantage in the market by increasing transportation efficiency, reducing costs and improving customer service.
JEL: L91.
Keywords: Cargo; transportation of goods; transport; logistics; supply chain.
Citation: Julija Želvytė, Regina Narkienė (2024) Cargo Transportation using Modern Technologies at UAB "Kamida". - Applied Business: Issues & Solutions 2(2024)17-22 - ISSN 2783-6967.

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