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Type: Article
Title: Global Competitive Strategies of Transnational Companies PDF Article
Author: Olga Nosova
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8523-7802
On-line: 15-December-2024
Metrics: Applied Business: Issues & Solutions 2(2024)3-10 - ISSN 2783-6967.
DOI: 10.57005/ab.2024.2.1
URL: http://www.applied-business-solutions.eu/h24/2024_2_1.html
Abstract. This paper discusses the global competitive strategies of transnational companies. The impact of globalization and uncertainty explored on the development strategy of business units. The division functions between the parent company and subsidiaries and branches are considered. The most valuable and successful strategies of transnational corporations are analysed. The use of different tools, methods, and tactics by transnational corporations is proposed. The application of a combined transnational strategy with specific characteristics is considered.
JEL: F20, F23, G34.
Keywords: transnational company; strategy; business unit; parent company
Citation: Olga Nosova (2024) Global Competitive Strategies of Transnational Companies. - Applied Business: Issues & Solutions 2(2024)3-10 - ISSN 2783-6967.

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